Before starting Demon Bikini, I was a woman in a man’s world. I was working a job that left me craving something of my own. I knew I wanted to create something for myself, but I didn’t know what quite yet.
2020 was a transformative year for many and that is where Demon Bikini was born. As we delved deep into the pandemic, I experienced the loss of my career and the relationship that I had been in through quite the dramatic turn of events. Everything seemed to be falling apart as quickly as I could blink.
As I struggled to find some peace, I started to turn towards one of my deep loves - custom bikinis. I have never been the type to try or want to blend in to the crowd. When I first started to wear bikinis, I would always hunt down the ones that were different and one-of-a-kind. I wanted something unique that I felt amazing in and would love to show off.
Demon Bikini was born from a desire to help women feel amazing in their own skin with unique bikinis that were handmade in the USA. I wanted to create something amazing that I loved that no one could take away from me.
Facing my demons, my insecurities, and my past, I started to dive deep into what would become Demon Bikini. I started researching what it would take to stand out in the market and make sure that I was putting a quality product out there. I wanted to make sure that my bikinis were unique and well-made so that every woman wearing them could be proud and feel amazing in them.
Demon Bikini has had the opportunity in our inaugural year to be featured in multiple publications such as Inscriber Magazine as well as help with a few charity events. It has been incredibly rewarding to give back to women and families who need it while being able to empower women.